Is there a man or woman’s face at the top right of every window? Or down in the system tray or notification area? You’ve got the “24×7 Help” program on your computer. Notice that I said “program” not “virus”. Many people think that 24×7 Help is a virus. It isn’t. Its just plain and simple …
Category: Windows
Apr 19
How To Fix: Diagnostic service policy is not running
I haven’t had a chance to try this one out, but it looks like a fairly obscure problem with a fairly easy fix. If you get “diagnostic service policy is not running”, try this.Open an administrative command prompt, and paste in the following commands: net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice net localgroup Administrators /add localservice Restart …
Mar 23
Removing old Antivirus that cause slowness and instability
Antivirus programs are notorious for leaving behind “stuff” that will cause a computer to be slow and unstable. Getting rid of old anti-virus programs is a pain in the neck, but once you know a little secret, it gets a lot easier. The trick is to get rid of any left over drivers from old …